In a dataset published by the Environment Agency, WEEE AATF collections are at a 10-year low. Quarter 2 of 2020 saw a return of only 64,422 tonnes. These statistics formalise COVID-19’s impact on the WEEE AATF industry. The experienced WEEE AATF experts at Wiser are ready to provide waste businesses with support. For more information contact Wiser Environment or call on 01480 462232.
Additionally, Wiser Recycling also offers WEEE recycling support. From collections to disposal – Wiser Recycling provide a one-stop-shop for all types of WEEE recycling. For more information contact Wiser Recycling or call on 01480 464111.

Sourced from the Environment Agency WEEE received at an approved authorised treatment facility data set.
Collections at a 10-year low
Published on a quarterly basis by the Environment Agency (EA), the latest collection figures for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) reveals a significant fall in collections in quarter 2 (April-June) of 2020 – a 10-year low. Since 2007, the freely available dataset has calculated the number of WEEE tonnes received at Approved Authorised Treatment Facilities (AATF).
During the first quarter of 2020, WEEE AATF’s collected a total of 134,328 tonnes of household WEEE. Of which, large domestic appliances comprised 58,417 tonnes and cooling appliances containing refrigerant collections equalled 31,605 tonnes. During the second quarter of 2020, these household WEEE tonnages took a significant downturn. Total household WEEE collections fell by 52% to just 64,422 tonnes. As an illustration of the scale of this depreciation, Q2’s result surpasses the previous low of 100,778 tonnes recorded in Q4, 2010.
These worrying figures confirm the extend COVID-19 has had on the WEEE industry. During the pandemic, many facilities along the WEEE supply chain were forced to close or mothballed their operations. In response to the industry crisis, the WEEE Fund 2019 Compliance Fee Advisory Panel provided welcome financial support to WEEE AATFs across the UK.
On a positive note and following the end of the first period of lockdown, Wiser Recycling observed a rapid return to normal collection tonnages of WEEE. If this pattern is common throughout the industry, then the industry is likely to successfully recover. The AATF and wider recycling industry have demonstrated its adaptability in quickly addressing the improved welfare and infrastructure requirements of COVID-19.
Support available at Wiser
The team at Wiser has extensive experience within the WEEE AATF sector and is ready to provide waste businesses with support. For more information contact Wiser Environment or call on 01480 462232. Additionally, Wiser Recycling also offers WEEE recycling support. From collections to disposal – Wiser Recycling a provide one-stop-shop for all types of WEEE recycling. For more information contact Wiser Recycling or call on 01480 464111.