As from 7th April 2019, the name and date of birth of the individual that provides technical competence for a permitted waste site must be supplied with each quarterly or annual waste return.

This requirement was one of a number of amendments to the Environmental Permitting Regulations which were announced last year. The aim is to improve technical competence on sites by requiring operators to periodically supply the Environment Agency (or Natural Resource Wales in the case of Wales) with information that demonstrates that the operator complies with recognised competence standards.
These standards are the CIWM/WAMITAB Operator Competence Scheme (Version 9, September 2018) published by WAMITAB, or the Competence Management System: Requirements (Version 4, April 2015) published by Energy and Utility Skills.
In the case of quarterly returns, the Technically Competent Manager (TCM) must be named in the return due 1st July 2019 and thereafter. In the case of annual returns, the TCM must be named from 1st April 2020. If the operator is unable to demonstrate appropriate technical competence during the relevant period, they must also provide information to the regulator to that effect.
Charles Thomas, Consultancy Director, Wiser Environment says: “The change outlines an increased emphasis from the Environment Agency in ensuring operators improve the standard of management and attention to permit details at their sites. It will enable the EA to better monitor the number of sites for which each TCM is responsible”.
The EPR amendments also now require that all operators manage and operate waste sites in accordance with a written management system that identifies and minimises the risks of pollution arising from their waste operations. You can find out more about these requirements and other amendments to the EPR in our report EPR may have far reaching consequences.
If you need to demonstrate or improve competence of other staff members, then please find out how Wiser Training can assist with our WAMITAB assessment, qualification and training services. Alternatively, you can contact Wiser Training on 01480 462 232 or at