Wiser Environment helps you protect your employees in the workplace and stay compliant with your legal requirements with our occupational and workplace exposure monitoring services.
Using the latest equipment, our qualified team monitors dust, noise and bio-aerosols, helping to ensure you remain within the acceptable limits and minimise the risk to your employees and your business. Where limits are breached, we can provide advice and practical assistance to help you put measures in place to reduce levels.
Meeting COSHH regulations
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 require employers to protect employees from exposure to substances that could be harmful to their health. Under these regulations, employers are required to implement controls to minimise exposure, regularly review these to ensure they remain effective, and train staff to understand the hazards and how to avoid them.
Dust monitoring
Without the relevant PPE and adequate air filtration in place, working in dusty environments can cause health issues including respiratory problems and gastrointestinal irritation.
Wiser Environment will collect the dust fraction for analysis at an accredited laboratory. We will provide you with a detailed report that enables you to understand exposure levels across your business and help you identify the steps you need to take to mitigate these.
Bio-aerosol monitoring
Biological aerosols, airborne particles that contain living organisms including bacteria, fungi, pollen and mycotoxins, can cause respiratory diseases and cancer. Although there are currently no exposure limits set for bio-aerosols, employers are obliged to ensure that their workplace remains within safe limits.
Wiser Environment will sample for airborne particles and arrange to have these analysed at an accredited laboratory. We will provide you with a detailed report that enables you to understand exposure levels across your business and help you identify the steps you need to take to mitigate these.
Noise monitoring
Exposure to excessive noise can lead to hearing problems including tinnitus, ringing, whistling and permanent hearing damage. The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 require employers to protect employees from excessive noise in the workplace.
Wiser Environment will measure noises in your workplace, identify the sources of those that contribute to excessive noise levels, and provide you with detailed reports that enable you to understand exposure levels and sources across your business.
Face mask fitting
The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, CoSHH Regulations 2002, Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 and a number of other regulations require employers to take certain steps to provide a safe place for employees to work. In meeting these regulations .it may be necessary to provide respiratory protective equipment (RPE). Where RPE is provided in the form of tight-fitting face masks, employers are under obligation to ensure that the face mark fits comfortably, sealing with the wearer’s face so that the wearer is protected from exposure to harmful substances.
Wiser Environment provides face mask fitting services to help clients meet these legislative requirements and ensure that a protective mask fits the unique face of the wearer.
Call us on 01480 462 232 to find out more about our workplace exposure monitoring services.