The image has been supplied courtesy of Grimsby Telegraph and shows from left to right: Wiser’s Russell Hirst and Ben King, Dahlman’s Wil Poort and Jan Willem Konemann, Wiser’s community engagement team Nicki Chennells and Zoe Lenkiewicz
Wiser Environment held a well-received public exhibition last month with client Royal Dahlman in Grimsby.
The Dutch company is proposing to build an advanced gasification plant in an under-used industrial area of the town having been shortlisted as a finalist in Energy Technology Institute’s competition.
The two day public exhibition was part of a community engagement programme to tell local residents about the proposal whilst giving them the opportunity to voice their opinions and ask questions.
Wil Poort, Chief Financial Officer, Royal Dahlman says: “This was a well turned out event where all stakeholders who attended gave positive feedback. Wiser Environment planned and delivered a professional and efficient community engagement programme and we enjoyed working with the team”.
Wiser Environment has been supporting Royal Dahlman with submission of their plans, environmental permitting and community engagement. The planning decision is expected shortly.