Fire control guidance likely to affect waste storage

WISH and the ESA are currently consulting on draft fire control guidance that is likely to have significant implications on how waste management companies store and handle waste materials.

The guidance has been developed by a cross-industry group with input from the Environment Agency, Health and Safety Executive and major insurers following a spate of recent fires across the waste industry.

Comprehensive in its approach, the document addresses handling, treatment and internal and external storage of waste including bunker capacity, stack size and separation distances. It covers any waste that poses a fire risk including paper, plastic, rubber, refuse derived fuel and waste electrical and electronic equipment.

Charles Thomas, Senior Consultant, Wiser Environment says: “This guidance will have far reaching implications to sites that store 50 cubic metres of material or more at any one time. Whilst it is not statutory guidance, it will undoubtedly be used by regulators and insurers so we advise our clients to review the document and understand the implications for their businesses.”

The consultation by Waste Industry Safety and Health (WISH) and Environmental Services Association (ESA) closes on Friday 25th July. For more information and to find out how to contribute, visit the ESA website.

To discuss how this may affect your business, please call Charles on 01480 462 232.