Today, Wiser Environment is celebrating Earth Day 2021!
Earth Day takes a moment to recognise our environmental achievements, challenge us to create a sustainable future and mobilises to get involved in protecting our planet.
Earth Day history
Earth Day was set up in 1970 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Previously, the damage inflicted upon the planet was given nowhere near the priority required – from air pollution to oil spills – environmental degradation was viewed as a sign of economic progress.
Following the publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (1969), the tables turned in favour of nature. The book raised public awareness for the wellbeing of all living beings and the links between human health and environmental pollution. The first Earth Day was led by Senator Gaylord Nelson after the famous Santa Barbara oil spill in 1969. 20 million Americans were mobilised to a peaceful protest for environmental reform.
Notable achievements
Since its inception, Earth Day has created environmental wins on both the local and global scale. Notable landmarks achieved to date include:
- Creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (1970);
- Designation of the Clean Air Act (updated in 1970);
- Designation of the Clean Water Act (1972);
- Designation of the Marine Mammal Protection Act (1972), and;
- Designation of the Safe Water Drinking Act (1974).
Wiser’s efforts to develop renewable energy sources
At Wiser, we work with many clients across the waste and resource industry. Our primary goal is to always help businesses grow and prosper through responsible operations. As an example, We collaborate with a closed non-hazardous landfill operator and overhaul their landfill into a clean energy plant. Echoing the Earth Day enthusiasm for change, our team has seized the opportunity to go above and beyond.
Instead of sticking with a traditional means of returning a non-hazardous landfill to land for beneficial use, the decision was made to innovate. Specifically, we aim to create a platform for economic and ecological growth through carbon-neutral energy solutions. Such innovations include a solar-battery hybrid system that stretches over 4 hectares; an anaerobic digestion plant that converts food waste into energy; and ground source heat pumps that will maintain the site’s treatment plant temperature.
We have also helped businesses establish biomass boilers and reduce waste being sent to landfill. For instance, we supported a coffee recycler in gaining an Installation Permit for their advanced biofuel demonstration facility in Cambridgeshire. The application process required comprehensive pre-application and post-application liaison with the Environment Agency. Nevertheless, the challenge was worth the effort; this facility the first of its kind worldwide.
The installation of innovative and sustainable technologies at waste sites are examples of the climate action we take at Wiser. Climate action does not always have to be a resource drain. On the contrary, climate action can become a platform for an integrated waste recovery solution that benefits the community.
How to get involved
Wiser encourages you to get involved and take part in the Earth Day celebrations. Going live today is Earth Day’s live digital event. The theme of the live show is ‘Restore Our Earth’ and it will host workshops, panel discussions and special performances. Interesting topics include climate restoration technologies, regenerative agriculture and equity and environmental justice.