Achieving net zero status is a complex and daunting task. It requires a comprehensive and well-coordinated strategy that addresses all emissions from all sources. For many organisations, carbon offsetting can be an important part of this overall strategy. In this blog...
Global Warming is an indisputable reality, and it’s happening faster than we thought it would. The effects of Global Warming are already being felt around the world, and if we don’t take steps to address the problem, things are only going to get worse. One...
Today, Wiser Environment is celebrating Earth Day 2021! Earth Day takes a moment to recognise our environmental achievements, challenge us to create a sustainable future and mobilises to get involved in protecting our planet. Earth Day history Earth Day was set up in...
Happy #GlobalRecyclingDay from the team at the Wiser Group! We are 100% behind the move away from a ‘take, make, use, throw’ lifestyle and towards a recycling society with a circular economy. Today, let’s celebrate our #RecyclingHeroes!
Wiser Environment is backing the Plantlife road verge campaign – protecting UK wildlife. A significant proportion of the UK’s total flora grows along the roadside. However, pressure from council budget cuts and a desire for “tidy” verges is...