Catalytic converters reclassified as hazardous waste

The Environment Agency (EA) will shortly announce that catalytic converters containing support mats made of refractory ceramic fibre (RCF) are to be reclassified as hazardous waste.

Duesmann & Hensel RecyclingRCF is classified as a Cat 1B carcinogen with properties similar to asbestos presenting both environmental and health & safety risks. As a result, the EA is withdrawing low risk waste positions (LRWP 362 and LRWP 405). Companies that process catalytic converters will have until 30th May 2016 to apply for and transition to an appropriate environmental permit that allows them to process hazardous waste. Those that fail to do so will be required to cease operations.

End of life vehicle (ELV) sites that store catalytic converters will be required to do so in a way that protects their metal casing and that is in line with hazardous waste regulations. The sites will need to be able to demonstrate that they can identify catalytic converters that contain RCF from those that don’t. If they are unable to do so, all catalytic converters will need to be treated as hazardous waste and handled accordingly.

For further information about these new requirements and for assistance with obtaining the correct permits and WAMITAB qualifications, please contact Wiser Environment on 01480 462 232.