New Waste Compliance Taskforce

Comprising of both public and private sector organisations – including the Environment Agency, United Resource Operators Consortium and UK Waste Solutions – the Waste Compliance Taskforce will launch on the 22nd of October. The cross-sector Taskforce aims...

Understanding the expanded Vietnam waste import restrictions

As the Vietnamese Government has gradually expanded its Law on Environmental Protection, operators who wish to import waste into Vietnam should stay informed. Over time, Vietnam has responded to environmental incidents with increased environmental legislation. Whilst...

Consultation on the Green Gas Levy

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy is hosting a consultation on the Green Gas Levy. This consultation closes on the 2nd of November 2020. Broadly, the levy intends to fund the injection of biomethane into the UK gas grid; also known as the...

EA letter to regulatory stakeholders

Providing an update on the COVID-19 Regulatory Position Statements, the EA sent a letter to regulatory stakeholders. The letter reaffirms that the EA has provided the National Permitting Service with more resources to deal with the application backlog, extended the...