Wiser Recycling wins Green Apple Award 2016

Wiser Recycling has won a Green Apple Award for Environmental Best Practice 2016 in the Green Organisation’s annual campaign to find the greenest companies, councils and communities. Competing against over 500 nominations, our sister company won the award for...

New waste recovery guidance issued

The Environment Agency has recently issued new guidance on how operations involving the deposit of inert materials on land are classified. This update follows the outcome of a court case involving Tarmac at the end of 2015 at which the currency of EAs previous...

New permitted catalytic convertor WAMITAB requirements

Sites processing catalytic convertors now require a manager with the relevant technical competence since the Environment Agency (EA) changed the classification of certain catalytic convertors. In March 2016 the EA announced that catalytic converters which contain (or...

Land spreading changes to come into force

New standard rules affecting landspreading will be published later this year following last month’s publication of the Environment Agency’s (EA) response to the latest landspreading consultation. The EA originally consulted on proposed changes to landspreading &...

Wiser expands air dispersion modelling capabilities

Wiser Environment is expanding its air dispersion modelling capabilities, bringing the service in-house. Combining the company’s in-house expertise and the world leading industrial air pollution modelling software, ADMS (Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System) 5,...